Out of the Barn Yard

As I am cozening up to Moose these days I wanted to play with Roles as one is suppose to be able to scurry around the Diamond problem with them, and having some background with Lisp and Smalltalk I knew of them.

Unfortunately like many many many other tutorial on OO we stayed firmly in the barnyard (well in moose's case a pet store) which of course is fine if you are an animal lover but I am always modeling something that is a much more complex as the idea of a 'Role' is much more abstracted and mulit-layed than differing animal noises as this little syllogism points out;

All dogs have a bark.
But not all things that have a bark are dogs.

So what would be a good example of something that is complex, mulit-layered, and demonstrates, to me at least, how roles should work?

Well I looked over on my book shelf and this caught my eye;


Why not? I though! So staring with page one we have "Character" and they all have names so lets start with that;

package Character;

use Moose;

has 'name' =>(
is =>'rw',
isa =>'Str', );

which leads me to my first thinking part.

We all know characters have 6 abilities and in the old days I would now simply give my class 6 attributes like this

has 'strength' =>(
         is   =>'rw',
         isa  =>'Int',

and then be on my merry way.

However, I want to explore what Moose can do for me. I have also been playing D&D long enough to know that these attributes are not fixed. They change with race, class, age and even magic. So I would have to add a bunch, such as, the initial value the present value, the non magic value etc. Hmm already looking like BBofM and I am only on line 5.

So lets see what Moose has to offer?

I could try one of these for each ability;

has 'strength' =>(
      is =>'rw',

Where I have encapsulate each of my 'abilities' into its own class and just use them as attributes in my 'Character' class. I have done this many times in trad OO perl. Heck I could even create a base 'Ability' class and make each of my 'abilities' a child of that one.

Perhaps I could try this?

package Character;

use Moose;
with qw( Strength );

and bring 'Strength' in as a role?

Hmm let me sleep on that.

1 Comment

Well, an RPG character is a pretty complex entity; as I mentioned in my latest blog post, I've been trying to code it up for the past 30 years and have never been satisfied yet. :-)

But my standard advice for understanding roles applies here, I think: if your classes are your nouns and your methods are your verbs, your roles are your adjectives. So I think 'with Strength' feels a bit wonky.

I think what I might try to explore is to imagine a set of behaviours that could somehow encapsulate the handling of bonuses and penalties, many of which are conditional. I'd make that a role and call it 'Adjustable' or somesuch. Then have a class called 'Ability' that composed that role. Thus, your initial setup goes something like:

  • Character HASA strength
  • strength ISA Ability
  • Ability DOES Adjustable

So 'strength' is just an instance of 'Ability', not a separate class. No clue how you'd actually implement Adjustable, but that seems like a workable structure to me.

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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations