Never Role Twice!
Well did a little more playing about with my applied roles on my and added in a bunch more testing to see if things where working for me.
First I wanted to see if using a role twice caused any ill effects so I added
$address->retrieve( 'DBH', $result ) eq
'SELECT street, city, country FROM person AS me',
'SQL correct'
$address->retrieve('MONGO') eq
'db.person.find({},{ street: 1, city: 1, country: 1}',
"Mongo Query correct"
to the end of my test and they both passed.
ok 9 - SQL correct
ok 10 - Mongo Query correct
ok 11 - SQL correct
ok 12 - Mongo Query correct
which is good I can flip between LSDs without much problem. Then I though that there could be some code bleed between the roles so in DA::LSD::Mongo I commented out the with statement
– with qw(DA::Roles::API)
++ #with qw(DA::Roles::API);
and re-ran my tests and unfortunately there was some code bleed as all my test passed!
So obviously the 'DA::Roles::API' is applied in the first call to 'retrieve' and sticks about.
I wanted to see how bad this bleed-out is so I added a sub ping to SQL and a sub pong to Mongo and added in these tests before the final two
eval {
pass("address can pong");
if ($@) {
fail("address cannot do a pong");
eval {
pass("address can ping");
if ($@) {
fail("address cannot do a ping");
and got this
ok 11 - address can pong
ok 12 - address can ping
Ouch! that will cause problems. Using roles like this causes the common subs like '_execute' to be overwritten on the role apply but extra methods, and attributes as well, do like our Aussie cousins say 'Hang around like a fart in a phone booth'.
So this blead of code that will really screw up the consitant API I want to make. Just think of the the mayhem that would result if a sneak an LSD in there wiht out the requited subs, simply by loading one with the correct role first. Mogo calls to DBI and vice versa.
Defintly not the way I want to go.
So it is back to the drawing board.
Anyway here is a picture of some cute kittens to make up for this short post
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