Baby Moose Recursion Dance

It carry on with recursion day here in the Moose-Pen

Carrying on from where I left off in yesterday's post I was about to add in this new test;

$in_hash->{elements}->[0] = { function => 'substr',
left => { name => 'username' },
right => [{ param =>3},{ param =>5}] };
my $da = Database::Accessor->new($in_hash);
$da->retrieve( $utils->connect() );
$da->result()->query() eq
"SELECT user.username, substr(user.username,?,?), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?",
"Function with 2 params bind SQL correct"
"Function params correct"

This time round I am testing to see if my new code to handle a 'Function' element will handle a function with more than one option. In this case 'substr(user.username,3,5). Once I got the test in there I gave it a try and got;

Can't call method "view" on unblessed reference at database-accessor-driver-dbi\lib/Database/Accessor/Driver/ line 436.

So no free pass today.

After a little debugging I traced it back to these lines

if (ref($element->right()) eq "Array"){
@params= @{$element->right()};
else {

in 'sub _element_sql'. When I do the above I get an array-ref in an array-ref and a little later on when I do this;

foreach my $param (@params){

that $param I am passing in is an Array-ref that gets processed incorrectly on the recursion. The fix was easy enough

-- my @params;
-- if (ref($element->right()) eq "Array"){
-- @params= @{$element->right()};
++ if (ref($element->right()) ne "Array"){
++ my $param = $element->right();
++ $element->right([$param]);
++ }
-- else {
-- push(@params,$element->right());
-- }
-- foreach my $param (@params){
++ foreach my $param (@{$element->right()}){

Just check for no array then add that to itself as an array-ref and then iterate over the '$element->right()' . On my first try I got this as a SQL result;

'params' => [3,5,11,'Bill'],
'query' => 'SELECT substr(user.username,?,?), left(user.username,?), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?',

which is all correct but the tests failed as I did not expect that extra 'left' in there. Fortunately that was just a mistake in how I was changing the $in_hash should have been index '1' not '0' and when I corrected that I got;

ok 1 - Function with 1 param bind SQL correct
ok 2 - Function params correct
ok 3 - Function with 2 param binds SQL correct
ok 4 - Function params correct

Well that went well so it is time to get a little cocky and I gave this a try

$in_hash->{elements}->[1] = { function => 'substr',
left => { name => 'username' },
right => [{ param =>3},
{ function => 'left',
left => { name => 'address' },
right => { param =>4}}] };
my $da = Database::Accessor->new($in_hash);
$da->retrieve( $utils->connect() );
$da->result()->query() eq
"SELECT user.username, substr(user.username,?,left(user.address,?)), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?",
"Function within a function SQL correct"
"Function withing a function params correct"

so a function within a function; My result was a fail as the SQL was

'SELECT user.username, substr(user.username,?,left(.address,?)), user.address FROM user WHERE user.username = ?',

Missing the table name on 'left(.address,?)' so I will have to put a little more recursion in my code. I already have the test to check the first layer of a function in the 'check_view' sub

if (ref($element->right) eq 'Database::Accessor::Element');
if (ref($element->left) eq 'Database::Accessor::Element');

and after a bit of playing about I came up with this;

++ return
++ if (ref($element) ne "Database::Accessor::Function");
++ map( $self->check_view($_),@{$element->left})
++ if (ref($element->left) eq "ARRAY");
++ map( $self->check_view($_),@{$element->right})
++ if (ref($element->right) eq "ARRAY");

first I check to ensure I have a function (as it is the only one so far with a left and right), then I use a map to recourse down into 'check_view' each item in a left and right if they happen to be an array and it worked

ok 1 - Function within a function SQL correct
ok 2 - Function withing a function params correct

Now I did try one more test a function in a function in a function in a function and I got a fail but that was because my last two old lines where limiting my recursion so with this quick change;

map( $self->check_view($_),@{$element->right})
if (ref($element->right) eq "ARRAY");
++ $self->check_view($element->right);
-- $self->check_view($element->right)
-- if (ref($element->right) eq 'Database::Accessor::Element');
++ $self->check_view($element->left);
-- $self->check_view($element->left)
-- if (ref($element->left) eq 'Database::Accessor::Element');

I got it working and for fun I successfully tested it to ten levels of recursion. Though I am not going to bother to leave that test in.

Now onto something new;


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations