Testy Moose

It test review day again here in the Moose-Pen

Today I was having a look at coverage that the '58_parenthes.t' test case gives and with only seven tests it is rather sparse, time to add a few more in.

What I want to first improve is the coverage for 'functions' and 'expressions' to make sure the nested nature or the left and right attributes are correct. I started with this formula 'element' make up of a number of 'expressions','functions', 'params' and 'elements' that use parentheses;

(abs((People.salary + .05) * 1.5))*People.overtime+(abs(People.salary+.05) *2)*People.doubletime)
The above would be expressed as the following hash;

 my $expression =  {
            expression => '+',
            left       => {
                expression        => '*',
                open_parentheses  => 1,
                close_parentheses => 1,
                left              => {
                    expression        => '*',
                    open_parentheses  => 1,
                    close_parentheses => 1,
                    left              => {
                        function => 'abs',
                        left     => {
                            expression => '+',
                            left       => { name => 'salary' },
                            right      => { value => '0.5' }
                    right => { value => '1.5' },
                right => { name => 'overtime' },
            right => {
                expression        => '*',
                open_parentheses  => 1,
                close_parentheses => 1,
                left              => {
                    expression        => '*',
                    open_parentheses  => 1,
                    close_parentheses => 1,
                    left              => {
                        function => 'abs',
                        left     => {
                            expression => '+',
                            left       => { name => 'salary' },
                            right      => { value => '0.5' }
                    right => { value => '2' },
                right => { name => 'doubletime' },
Which I can then use as the first item on my elements array-refs like this;

$in_hash = {
    view     => { name => 'People' },
    elements => [$expression]
Now I can use the above to do some standard tests. As a side note I guess my grade 11 Maths master was right after-all. I will find a use of reverse polish notation or at least its poor cousin someday.

The first test was just to see if it passes in the above state;

ok($da->retrieve( Data::Test->new(), $return ),"Balanced nested elements parentheses");

and the next I removed one of the 'open_parentheses'

delete( $in_hash->{elements}->[0]->{left}->{open_parentheses} );

and did this;

$da = Database::Accessor->new($in_hash);

exception { $da->retrieve( Data::Test->new() ) },
qr /Unbalanced parentheses in your static or dynamic attributes/,
"Caught unbalanced nested elements parentheses"

and that one passed; I just carried on creating a few tests with the following outcome

ok 1 - Balanced nested elements parentheses
ok 2 - Caught left open parentheses missing
ok 3 - Caught left close parentheses missing
ok 4 - Caught right left close parentheses missing
ok 5 - Caught right left open parentheses missing

Next I did the same sort of thing for conditions by just adding in the first element as a left value in a condition;
$in_hash = {
view => { name => 'People' },
elements => [ {
name => 'first_name',
view => 'People'
name => 'last_name',
view => 'People'
name => 'user_id',
view => 'People'
$da = Database::Accessor->new($in_hash);
left => $expression ,
right => { value => '201' },
operator => '=',
condition => 'AND',

$da->retrieve( Data::Test->new(), $return ),
"Balanced nested elements on condition"
delete( $expression->{left}->{open_parentheses} );
left => $expression ,
right => { value => '201' },
operator => '=',
condition => 'AND',
exception { $da->retrieve( Data::Test->new() ) },
qr /Unbalanced parentheses in your static or dynamic attributes/,
"Caught left open parentheses missing"

and I got

ok 6 - Balanced nested elements on condition
ok 7 - Caught left open parentheses missing

Now I an not going to bore you with many many more lines like the above few tests. What I continued to do was add more and more tests similar to the one above and I got the this as a final result.

ok 1 - Balanced nested elements parentheses
ok 2 - Caught left open parentheses missing
ok 3 - Caught left close parentheses missing
ok 4 - Caught right left close parentheses missing
ok 5 - Caught right left open parentheses missing
ok 6 - Balanced nested elements on condition
ok 7 - Conditions caught left open parentheses missing
ok 8 - Conditions caught left close parentheses missing
ok 9 - Conditions caught right left close parentheses missing
ok 10 - Conditions caught right left open parentheses missing
ok 11 - Balanced nested elements on link
ok 12 - Link caught left open parentheses missing
ok 13 - Link caught left close parentheses missing
ok 14 - Link caught right left close parentheses missing
ok 15 - Link caught right left open parentheses missing
ok 16 - Balanced nested elements on Gather
ok 17 - Gather caught left open parentheses missing
ok 18 - Gather caught left close parentheses missing
ok 19 - Gather caught right left close parentheses missing
ok 20 - Gather caught right left open parentheses missing
ok 21 - Balanced nested elements on Sort
ok 22 - Sort caught left open parentheses missing
ok 23 - Sort caught left close parentheses missing
ok 24 - Sort caught right left close parentheses missing
ok 25 - Sort caught right left open parentheses missing

so things are looking good.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations