Smarty Pants Moose
Its back-fix code day here in the Moose-pen
In yesterday's post-ette I ranted on about how much of a smarty pants I was to use a 'param' in as the type for my 'message' part of a case statement. That was working fine until I blundered across this perfectly valid SQL
SELECT StockID, OnOrderQuantity,
WHEN Stock - OnOrderQuantity > 30 THEN 'Over Stocked'
WHEN Stock - OnOrderQuantity > 0 AND Stock-OnOrderQuantity <=30 THEN 'Stocked'
ELSE Stock - OnOrderQuantity
FROM Stock;
The 'else' in this case is an 'expression' and if I prototyped this out like this
whens => [
left => { expression=>'-',
left=>{name => 'Stock'},
right=>{name =>'OnOrderQuanity'} },
right => { value => '30' },
operator => '>',
message => { value => 'Over Stocked' }
left => { expression=>'-',
left=>{name => 'Stock'},
right=>{name =>'OnOrderQuanity'} },
right => { value => '0' },
operator => '>',
condition => 'and',
left => { expression=>'-',
left=>{name => 'Stock'},
right=>{name =>'OnOrderQuanity'} },
right => { value => '30' },
operator => '<=',
message => { value => 'Stocked' }
{ message => { value => 'Stock - OnOrderQuantity' } },
and that final message would fail as it is a param not an expression, and my send sql would look like this
WHEN Stock - OnOrderQuantity > ? THEN ?
WHEN Stock - OnOrderQuantity > ? AND Stock-OnOrderQuantity <=? THEN ?
Which would not work as expected as what would be returned by that final 'else' is the steing 'Stock – OnOrderQuantity' not a value like -1 , -10 etc.
I need to be able to do this;
{ message => { expression=>'-',
left=>{name => 'Stock'},
right=>{name =>'OnOrderQuanity'}
Doing a little more playing about with SQL I see that my 'message' field can be any valid field even a another case statement. So a little revision is in order me thinks;
I think I need only that 'message' attribute a little to make this work and I will go with just this change for now
++has 'message' => (
has 'statement' => (
-- isa => 'Param',
++ isa => 'Expression|Param|Element|Function|Case',
is => 'rw',
# required => 1,
I only changed the name of the attribute and expanded its 'isa' to include all the differing types including a Case.
Next after this a quick change to the test case to account for that attributes name change and a run of the test and I get a full pass.
Now add in a bunch of test cases for those four new types I will not bore you with all of that code as things when fine until I had to add a 'Case' into the a 'statement' attribute
$case = Database::Accessor::Case->new(
whens => [
left => { name => 'Price', },
right => { value => '10' },
operator => '<',
statement => { name => 'price' }
statement => {
whens => [
left => { name => 'Price', },
right => { value => '10' },
operator => '<',
statement => { name => 'price' }
{ statement => { name => 'price' } }
$last = pop( @{ $case->whens } );
ok( ref( $last->statement ) eq 'Database::Accessor::Case',
"last statment is an Case" );
and got this result;
Attribute (name) is required at D:\GitHub\database-accessor\lib/Database/Accessor/ line 178# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 13.
To fix this one I will have to extend that '_element_coerce' sub in my 'Database::Accessor::Types' class to include that new 'Case' class;
elsif ( exists( $hash->{value} ) || exists( $hash->{param} ) ) {
$object = Database::Accessor::Param->new( %{$hash} );
++ elsif ( exists( $hash->{whens} )) {
++ $object = Database::Accessor::Case->new( %{$hash} );
++ }
else {
$object = Database::Accessor::Element->new( %{$hash} );
and now I am getting a full pass even with a final test where I use all the classes in a 'case'
So maybe I am ready to move onto Driver::DBI??
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