The Mighty Meta Moose

Find and fix a bug day here in the Moose-Pen

The great thing is the new tests I added to fix up my subroutine covers as reported by Delve::Cover revealed that I may have two new bugs in Database::Accessor.

The two fails were;

not ok 92 - no_create flag error on create
ok 93 - no_retrieve flag error on retrieve
not ok 94 - no_update flag error on update

The test is fine as it is failing with the expected error message 'Attempt to use create with no_create flag on' with the error message 'No Create, Update or Delete with retrieve_only flag'.

I looked though the code and that error comes from here

sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
my $dad = {};
map( { $self->_loadDADClassesFromDir( $_, $dad ) }
grep { -d $_ }
map { File::Spec->catdir( $_, 'Database', 'Accessor', 'Driver' ) }
if ( $self->retrieve_only == 1 ) {
foreach my $flag (qw(no_create no_update no_delete)) {
my $field = $self->meta->get_attribute($flag);
$field->description->{message} =
"No Create, Update or Delete with retrieve_only flag on";

What is happening is that BUILD is firing only once in the '20_dad_load.t' test case when the 'Database::Accessor' is first instantiated and that happens with this call;

my $da =
Database::Accessor->new( { retrieve_only => 1, view => { name => 'person' }, elements=>[{ name => 'street', view => 'person', }] } );

and of course once I do the above I am stuck with it.

Now I read back though my notes and I first though I would want the system to work in this way, so a Accessor can be locked down but in reality there is no need for this. A Nosy Parker could always find a way around this using DBI directly in a script.

My first attempt at a fix was to move that script into the 'around BUILDARGS' like this

my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine) = caller(3);
if ( $ops->{retrieve_only} ) {
-- $ops->{no_create} = 1;
-- $ops->{no_retrieve} = 0;
-- $ops->{no_update} = 1;
-- $ops->{no_delete} = 1;
++ $ops->{no_retrieve} = 0;
++ foreach my $flag (qw(no_create no_update no_delete)) {
++ $ops->{$flag}=1;
++ my $field = $class->meta->get_attribute($flag);
++ $field->description->{message} =
++ "No Create, Update or Delete with retrieve_only flag on";
++ }
++ }

Unfortunately that did not solve my problem as what I am changing is the 'meta' data on the 'Class'. In essence I am doing this

has no_create => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
default => 0,
traits => ['MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Trait'],
description => {
-- message => "Database::Accessor create Error: Attempt to use create with no_create flag on!",
++ message => "No Create, Update or Delete with retrieve_only flag on!"
not_in_DAD => 1

only at run-time.

Ok I learned something new about Moose even at the late stage in the project. Once you mess with meta data it stays for all instances in a script.

There is a way around this with only a small adjustment of my code.

First I empty out take out the 'message' parts on the attribute;

has no_create => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Bool',
default => 0,
traits => ['MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Trait'],
description => {
-- message => "Database::Accessor create Error: Attempt to use create with no_create flag on!",
++ message => "",
not_in_DAD => 1

Next I will keep the code for this in the 'around' sub but this time I do this;

foreach my $action (qw(create update delete)) {
my $flag = "no_$action";
my $message = $action
." Error: Attempt to use "
. $action
." with "
." flag on!";
if ($ops->{retrieve_only}) {
$message =$action
." Error: No Create, Update or Delete with retrieve_only flag on";

my $field = $class->meta->get_attribute($flag);
$field->description->{message} = $message;

I just loop though the three actions then set up the default message, change the message if the 'retrieve_only' flag is on and then set the meta data key to the $message.

I give my test a go and get;

ok 91 - da_result_class has to be a valid Class in the path
ok 92 - no_create flag error on create
ok 93 - no_retrieve flag error on retrieve
ok 94 - no_update flag error on update

happy moose.


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About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations