Paws XII (High Noon Dog)
In my last post I was just getting the last parts of my new 'Satus' attribute in place having only one more part to create and that is a new 'trait' in '/lib/Paws/'
I was thinking af starting by coping the present package;
package Paws::API::Attribute::Trait::NameInRequest;
use Moose::Role;
use Moose::Util;
has request_name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');
and just changing the 'Request' for 'Response'. However looking at the role I see it is also adding a 'request_name' attribute, which I do not need, this trait is used very specially in the code the name of AWS call.
So on second though I will need a new name for the that trait and perhaps how I work on it.
This time I start with a new trait;
package Paws::API::Attribute::Trait::ParamInResponse;
use Moose::Role;
use Moose::Util;
which I based of 'Paws::API::Attribute::Trait::ParamInHeader'
So now a little back coding of the templates;
[%- IF (shape.members.$param_name.locationName) %]
[%- IF (shape.members.$param_name.location == 'header') %], traits => ['ParamInHeader'], header_name => '[% shape.members.$param_name.locationName %]'
++ [%- ELSIF (shape.members.$param_name.location == 'statusCode') %], traits => ['ParamInResponse'], response_name => '[% shape.members.$param_name.locationName %]'
[%- ELSIF (shape.members.$param_name.location == 'headers') %], traits => ['ParamInHeaders'], header_prefix => '[% shape.members.$param_name.locationName %]'
[%- ELSIF (shape.members.$param_name.location == 'querystring') %], traits => ['ParamInQuery'], query_name => '[% shape.members.$param_name.locationName -%]'
[%- ELSIF (shape.members.$param_name.location == 'uri') %], traits => ['ParamInURI'] , uri_name => '[% shape.members.$param_name.locationName -%]'
-- [%- ELSIF (shape.members.$param_name.location == 'statusCode') %], traits => ['NameInResponse'], reponse_name => '[% shape.members.$param_name.locationName %]'
[%- ELSE %],
and with another compile I get
has Status => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', traits => ['ParamInResponse'], response_name => 'status');
Now how about a test for the above? I can just change those three test I had before like like this
path: _status - path: Status op: eq expected: 202
and of unfortunately I get this
Found unknown argument 'response_name' in the has declaration for 'Status' in class Paws::S3::RestoreObjectOutput at /wwwveh/lib/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Moose/Meta / line 87.
Now I haven't linked that code change back into any of my classed in 'lib/Paws/Net' but I did not expect that type of error. After playing around a bit I think I have to add in that 'response_name' back into my role;
package Paws::API::Attribute::Trait::ParamInResponse;
use Moose::Role;
use Moose::Util;
++ has response_name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str');
and now I just get
# Failed test 'Got Status eq 202 from result' # at t/10_responses.t line 136. # got: undef # expected: '202'
I can add in the needed code in this case '' in the same way the other params go in, but that is another story.
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