Paws XXXVII (So close but yest so far)
Well I was just about ready to check everything in on S3 Paws and move onto the next part of Paws that need some love and kindness when I did one last review of all the test cases I have created over the past little while when I discovered I had left one out.
I forgot to add in a request test case for the 'DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration' action. It took the opportunity to use my new test generator a spin as well so I fired up my real world call with the new caller and much to my chagrin I got an error;
'The specified configuration does not exist.',
Which could be the case as the Bucket I was playing with may not have a 'Metrics Configuration' on it. So I dusted off another test that does both 'PUT and 'GET' and then I slapped my 'DELETE' on the end and this was the result;
ok 1 - Call S3->PutBucketMetricsConfiguration ok 2 – Have a PutBucketMetricsConfigurationResponse ok 3 – Call S3->GetBucketMetricsConfiguration ok 4 – Have a GetBucketMetricsConfigurationOutput ok 5 – Id= ImportantBlueDocuments … not ok Call S3-> DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration not ok Have a Paws::API::Response
So something not right. I checked on my AWS account and the S3 bucket in question does have a Metric Config so the fail is not a false positive.
I looked at the API spec again;
DELETE /?metrics&Id=Id HTTP/1.1 Host: Bucket.s3.amazonaws.comAnd there is an discrepancy there. It asks for and 'id' but in the URL we have 'Id'. I checked boto;URI Request Parameters The request requires the following URI parameters.
- Bucket
- The name of the bucket containing the metrics configuration to delete.
- id
- The ID used to identify the metrics configuration.
"Id":{ "shape":"MetricsId", "documentation":"<p>The ID used to identify the metrics configuration.</p>", "location":"uri", "locationName":"id" }
so that is ok it might be a case of the API doc not being correct. I have seen that before. I checked what I was sending for the URI on the request;
ok so I am missing the 'id' in the URI so that led me into the 'sub _call_uri' of my and with the above boto I two 'uri' params one 'Bucket' is on the template '/{Bucket}?metrics' the other id is not and that led me to this part of the sub;
if ( $attribute->does('Paws::API::Attribute::Trait::ParamInURI') ) {
my $att_name = $attribute->name;
if ( $uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name} ) {
$vars->{ $attribute->uri_name } =
uri_escape_utf8( $call->$att_name, q[^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/] );
$uri_template =~ s{$att_name\+}{\+$att_name}g;
else {
$vars->{ $attribute->uri_name } = $call->$att_name;
playing around a bit I had a look at the incoming values in the '%uri_attrib_is_greedy' hash and I got;
'Bucket' => ''
Ah! so this;
if ( $uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name} ) {
will test the value of 'Bucket' key and it value is false so it does not go into this code block. This is a bug as having an empty value is perfectly valid. As So I changed that to this;
– if ( $uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name} ) {
++ if (exists($uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name}) ) {
and when I ran my code again I got this result for the URI;
ok a little too much and I am still missing the 'id' and I have an extra Bucket para. So I fixed that up to this final version;
if ( exists($uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name} )) {
$vars->{ $attribute->uri_name } =
uri_escape_utf8( $call->$att_name, q[^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/] );
–$uri_template =~ s{$att_name\+}{\+$att_name}g;
else {
++$uri_template .=
++ $joiner . $attribute->uri_name . "={" . $attribute->uri_name . "}";
$vars->{ $attribute->uri_name } = $call->$att_name;
So now I just escape the input value for 'Bucket' and for 'id' I add in the param to the template. So not I get an end template like this;
which is handled fine by this code
my $t = URI::Template->new($uri_template);
my $uri = $t->process($vars);
return $uri;
that ends out the '_call_uri' sub.
No both my real world test and my canned test pass.
I was a bit of a puzzle for my why it took so long to uncover this bug. So I went back over a number of the Delete actions and tried them out in a number of ways. Seems some will work with either Id in the params or id on the url and some will return 200 even is nothing is deleted but the ' DeleteBucketMetricsConfiguration' was the one that does neither and as I never did create a test for it and thus never ran into it till now.
That is not the end of the story as I did break 'DeleteObject' with this test as now I get a bad URL fail
want: get:
and I traced that back to this patch;
if ( exists($uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name} )) {
$vars->{ $attribute->uri_name } =
uri_escape_utf8( $call->$att_name, q[^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/] );
– $uri_template =~ s{$att_name\+}{\+$att_name}g;
In this case the template was coming out as
but the values that where being processed where;
'Bucket' => 'oneoffpaws',
'Key' => 'one/to/delete/image.jpg',
'VersionId' => 'my version id'
so it as not subbing out that 'Key+' . So I have to but that regex back in but only have it fire it when there is a value on the greedy bit.
if ( exists($uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name} )) {
$vars->{ $attribute->uri_name } =
uri_escape_utf8( $call->$att_name, q[^A-Za-z0-9\-\._~/] );
++ $uri_template =~ s{$att_name\+}{\+$att_name}g
++ if (($uri_attrib_is_greedy{$att_name});
and now at least all my 'DELETE' action tests pass and I think I am getting to the end of the tunnel.
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