January 2023 Archives

Egad I have been a lazy Sod

Yep been a while since I posted something, been playing about with my HAM gear too much these days, but I do have a little gem of wisdom to share so here it is.

I updated my Mojolicious for the first time in quite awhile and my personal web server died.

Well this on was 100% my fault as the error was

Can't locate object method "route" via package "Mojolicious::Routes" at /johns/perl/Mojolicious-Plugin-Routes-Restful-0.03-2/blib/lib/Mojolicious/Plugin/Routes/Restful.pm line 124.

So I had a snoop around Mojolicious today and found this in the change log/users/byterock/2023/01/index.html

About byterock

user-pic Long time Perl guy, a few CPAN mods allot of work on DBD::Oracle and a few YAPC presentations