November 2010 Archives

Now With Go-Faster Stripes

If you've ever had a look at the Status page on the CPAN Testers Reports site, you will likely have noticed that typically the graphs show 4-5 lines on any given day. This has been pretty much the case since I added this monitoring feature, and supported the fact that it could take up to 5 days for a less common page to be rebuilt.

"Money spines paper lung..."

"...kidney bingos organ fun"

Since joining the CPAN Testers community, Chris has been a valuable asset, both in terms of the diversity of the testing platforms, and also for his ability to push the testing infrastructure beyond the limits we anticipated.

With the…

CPAN Testers Summary - October 2010 - Nine In A Pond Is Here

Back in January 2008 we were celebrating the one millionth post submitted to CPAN Testers. Although that article proclaimed it to be the one millionth report, many initial posts to the mailing list also included discussions and announcements of uploads. It wasn't until I created the Interesting Stats page that we started to see the true picture. However, we only had to wait until March 2008 for the real one millionth report

About CPAN Testers

user-pic This is the new account for incidental and summary updates to what's happening with the CPAN Testers. For all the latest news and views please see our blog.