A dream realized

Have you heard that they are finally putting together a proposal to add a clean modern OO system into the core of Perl?

If you haven’t, I strongly encourage you to look over the RFC for Corinna, or at least watch Ovid’s excellent presentation on the project.

It’s reassuring that the list of contributors to the proposed design includes some of the most highly respected names in the Perl community, many of whom have previously taken one (or more!) tilts at this particular object-oriented windmill.

Indeed, over the past two decades I too have repeatedly attempted to design and prototype richer and more robust OO systems for Perl, starting way back in the previous millennium with a brief stint as the maintainer of Class::Struct, and continuing on though the release of modules such as Class::Std, Class::Delegation, and most recently: Dios.

The Dios module represented almost everything I thought a comprehensive Perl OO system should contain. Not surprisingly, that actually meant it simply stole almost everything that Raku’s comprehensive OO system contains (mostly because I had spent quite a lot of time over the past two decades helping design that OO mechanism as well).

The only three problems with Dios are:

  • It’s not built-in to Perl itself, so its performance is suboptional;
  • It’s not built-in to Perl itself, so it requires a huge amount of extremely complex multi-layer code to make it feel as if is;
  • It’s not built-in to Perl itself, so it's merely one possible choice amongst the vast and incoherent array of entirely reasonable alternatives already on CPAN.

That’s why, when people ask me whether I support the Corinna proposal, my response is: OH, HELL YES! I’ve literally been waiting two decades to see Perl gain a proper, built-in, declarative, encapsulated, and performant OO system. And this, I firmly believe, is it.

At this point I could launch into one of my usual extended exegeses on why this particular design is so exceptionally good, but I think two quick and specific examples are actually sufficient to explain my excitement about this proposal.

The first example is purely syntactic. If you were kind enough to watch the Three Little Words video in which I introduced Dios, you’ll have seen how that module vastly improves the syntax for declaring a Perl class. Instead of something like:

  package Account {
      use experimental 'signatures';
      use Carp 'croak';

      state $next_ID = 'AAA0001';

      sub new($class, %arg) {
          croak('Cannot specify ID as an constructor argument')
              if exists $arg{ID};
          bless {
              name    => $arg{name}    // croak('Missing name arg'),
              balance => $arg{balance} // 0,
              ID      => $next_ID++,
          }, $class;

      sub name ($self) {
          return $self->{name};

      sub set_name ($self, $newname) {
          $self->{name} = $newname;

      sub balance ($self) {
          return $self->{balance};

      sub ID ($self) {
          return $self->{ID};

      sub deposit ($self, $amount) {
          $self->{balance} += $amount;

      sub report ($self, $fh = *STDOUT) {
          $fh->say( $self->ID . ': ' . $self->balance );

...Dios allows you to achieve exactly the same functionality with just:

  use Dios;

  class Account {
      state $next_ID = 'AAA0001';

      has $.name     is rw  is required;
      has $.balance  = 0;
      has $.ID       = $next_ID++;

      method deposit ($amount) {
          $balance += $amount;

      method report ($fh = *STDOUT) {
          $fh->say( "$ID: $balance" );

Not only is that three times less code, it’s three times simpler code, which means it’s also likely to be code that’s three times less buggy.

But what really excites me about Corinna is that, under that proposal, the same code would look like this:

  use experimental 'class';

  class Account {

      state $next_ID = 'AAA0001';

      slot $name     :param :reader :writer;
      slot $balance  :param :reader  = 0;
      slot $ID              :reader  = $next_ID++;

      method deposit ($amount) {
          $balance += $amount;

      method report ($fh = *STDOUT) {
          $fh->say( "$ID: $balance" );

In other words: just as concise, just as readable, just as declarative. But without the huge behind-the-scenes overheads that Dios currently imposes.

The second example that illustrates why I’m so enthusiastic about the Corinna proposal is simply a subset of the first example. If we zoom in on that deposit() method:

  # under Corinna
  method deposit ($amount) {
      $balance += $amount;

...we can see an important improvement over the current standard Perl version:

  # under standard Perl
  sub deposit ($self, $amount) {
      $self->{balance} += $amount;

...and an even greater improvement over what would be required under Moose or Moo or Object::InsideOut or most other existing OO frameworks:

  # under most OO frameworks
  sub deposit ($self, $amount) {
      $self->balance( $self->balance + $amount );

Under Corinna, the slots of an object are accessed via simple scalar variables (e.g. $balance) , not via a (slower) hash look-up (e.g. $self->{balance} or via (much slower) accessor methods (e.g. $self->balance).

This means that each individual slot access is going to be faster under Corinna, and so almost every method call will likewise be less expensive. For instance, each call to deposit() is likely to be at least three times quicker than under any of the many OO frameworks, because we’re dispensing with the two additional embedded method calls to $self->balance().

More subtly, if we happened to misspell our slot variable:

  # under standard Perl
  sub deposit ($self, $amount) {
      $self->{balence} += $amount;
      # Silent bug (autovivifies useless 'balence' key)

  # under most OO frameworks
  sub deposit ($self, $amount) {
      $self->balance( $self->balence + $amount );
      # Runtime exception ("No such method 'balence'...")

  # under Corinna
  method deposit ($amount) {
      $balence += $amount;
      # Compile-time exception: ("No such variable: $balence...")

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather discover this problem the first time I compile the code, rather than at the first time it happens to actually be executed or, even worse, after a long and fruitless day of trying to debug the mysterious absence of recent deposit amounts.

There are so many other reasons to be enthusiastic about this proposed addition to standard Perl, not the least of which is that it will become standard and universally available, which may finally cut through the endless debate over whether your next project should use Moose or Moos or Moo or Mu or Spiffy or Object::InsideOut or Class::InsideOut or Class::Simple or Class::Easy or Class::Tiny or Class::Std or Dios or...

So, yes, I’m very excited about the RFC for Corinna, and I strongly encourage you to take a look for yourself at the powerful new OO features that will soon be proposed for Perl.


For the record, slots could be array or hashes too. That's also a huge win over using arrayrefs and hashrefs.

wow...most of example use scalar attribute, I don't know this!

Thanks for the nice summary, Damian.

Just too bad that Corinna doesn't use the syntax proposed in Dios (and used in Raku). That would have been simpler for people living in both worlds.


I think Dios is fantastic. However, making it and its syntax work for core in a way that P5P would be willing to commit to means stripping it down to an MVP, probably rewriting most of it in XS, and, ironically (which I'll explain in a moment), the twigils would likely be a blocker for adoption when it was first proposed—many people are violently against twigils.

The last point is ironic because we might adopt twigils for Corinna simply because they make life so much easier in terms of syntax highlighting, Huffman encoding of meaning, and avoiding variable shadowing.

When I started on Corinna, I had never considered Dios for core because of the scope of Dios (clearly not an MVP) and twigils. And yet here we are, potentially on the cusp of adding twigils (but the Perl parser had no support for the twigil syntax, so that's a huge change to add just for an experimental object system).


Thanks for the explanation. I completely understand that trying to get Dios into core would be a (at least political) nightmare.

I just hope that differences to Raku syntax won't we a requirement for the actual implementation ;-) (not talking about you)

Hi Fritz,

> Corinna doesn't use the syntax proposed in Dios (and used in Raku).

I wonder if it's closer than you think?

First, the names of attributes (fields). Consider this Raku code:

  class Account {
    has $balance = 0;
    method deposit ($amount) {
      $balance += $amount;
  my $account = Account.new;
  say $account.deposit(5); # 5
  say $account.deposit(5); # 10

In Raku, attributes declared `has $foo` are aliased to `$!foo`. (I could have written `$!balance` in the `deposit` method.)

(I would be happy to see Cor stick with `has $foo`. Especially if Perl did a better job with `our` variables than Raku has thus far, double especially if it was done in cooperation with Rakoons so Raku could pick up the same solution(s) to Raku's `our` problems.)


The second syntactic difference is also perhaps closer than you realize. This Cor code:

    has $foo :bar :baz ...

uses what, in Raku, is called "colon pair" notation. But it strikes me as consistent with Raku in just the right way, and *in*consistent in just the right way too.

First, it would be invalid syntax in Raku, and it jumps out as such. A nice reminder that one is reading Perl code.

Second, the Raku equivalent is to put something in exactly the same grammatical slot, but instead of writing a colon pair, write a verb (eg `is`) followed by... a colon pair! (With the leading colon omitted.)

So one just needs to translate from whatever Cor folk decide to name their colon pairs to what Raku folk decide. I agree it would be nice if they considered, for example, supporting `:rw` as short for `:read :write`. I mean, why not?


That all said, Raku *was* carefully designed. I'd say it would really behove Ovid et al to just ask Damian and Larry what they think about things the Cor team are wondering about.

I daresay Larry would feel a great deal of love if Ovid at least asked him about such things.

And if it's about the issue of huffmanizing attribute declarations to keep them private, and anything else that means syntax and semantics consistent with the actor model are embedded into Perl, I daresay it would not only pay back enormously in years to come in respect to love, but also to Perl's great technical advantage.

Personally, becuase package syntax is parsed by CPAN to get the package name, I want to respect the package syntax.

My idea is

package Foo is class {



package Foo : class {


How about this?

Hi Yuki,

We're trying very hard to avoid overloading the meaning of existing Perl features, so we deliberately didn't go with the word package. The package keyword simply declares something as being in a given namespace. The class keyword in Corinna does the same thing, but it's a historical accident in Perl that classes and packages are sort of the same thing.

In reality, a class is a data type, not a namespace. They're fundamentally different. While I don't know if it can be fixed, in the long-term, I would love to see the two ideas fully separated in Perl.


The opening comments argue that because some people have worked in this area for some time then their "authority" is enough to make the claim that Corinna is valuable. But this is a well known fallacy:


If these people have genuine authority gained from years of hard experience in this field then they will be able to tell us in a few cogent words why Corinna is so much better than Moose and all the other OO systems available on CPAN. They will be able to tell us the mathematical theorems that underlie their work. They will be convincing. But a bald appeal to authority, is not only not convincing, it is also demeaning because it divides Perl people in to two classes, the "hoi poloi" whose thoughts on OO are not thought worth considering and a small remainder whose thoughts, apparently are so valuable that they do not even have to back up their ideas with indefeasible argumentation.

Please could you rewrite the start of this article so that we all know the compelling reasons why Corinna is so good: then the issues can be weighed on their merits genuine or otherwise rather relying on the mere assumption of authority.

You're expending some hard won social credit on this endorsement of this latest attempt at POOP. For the sake of Perl, I hope you are hitching yourself to the correct attempt and not in some vain attempt to lend credit to the claim that, "POOP is not the problem, it's just never been implemented properly". Sounds like a familiar claim.

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