Dan's updates for two weeks ending Sept 4, 2011

Last week was a short week for me because I was doing a lot of work up at camp for the Scouts. So here's a two-week update:


  • I've been learning a lot about "Level 2" and "Level 3" credit card transactions.   It turns out that when you start handling corporate and government issue credit cards through your gateway, the rules change.   And, if you don't comply with those rules, you end up paying a lot of money!
  • That prompted me to check into how much money we're paying in transaction fees, and I manage to get the bank to drop those rates for us.   JT Smith has also been checking around with other gateways to try to find us an even better rate.
  • The Perl 5 Core Grant fund now has 5 donors that have set up monthly recurring donations via donor.com.   So far, we've collected about $1,200 from non-corporate donations.

  • Things are really coming together now.  Several sponsors have sent in their money recently, and we now have enough talks to put on an event.  By the time this blog is published, I hope to have the schedule published.

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About Dan Wright

user-pic I'm the Treasurer for The Perl Foundation and Team Leader for YAPC::NA. I have organized Perl events including 7 Pittsburgh Perl Workshops and two YAPC::NA's. In my day job, I'm the director of technical operations for pairNIC.com. I write code and I supervise a team of Perl developers.