parameterizable packages with Package::Variant

Yesterday I tried to port a Moose App to Moo but got stuck when I found out it is using MooseX::Role::Parameterizable, a module not available in Moo. A quick visit in channel #moose on later and I was told to give Package::Variant a try.

Few lines of conversation/debugging later and here is my parameterizable HTML::FormHandler role. Package::Variant is an extremly promising module to me that is really helpful when refactoring your code.

declare the HFH role

package MyApp::Role::Form::Step::Value;

use Package::Variant
importing => ['HTML::FormHandler::Moose::Role'],
subs => [ qw/ has_field requires has around before after with / ];

sub make_variant {
my ( $class, $target_package, %arguments ) = @_;

my $name = exists $arguments{name} ? $arguments{name} : 'value';

has_field $name => (
type => 'Text',
required => 0,
noupdate => 1,
not_nullable => 1,
element_attr => { class => 'detect_whitespace' },

around '_build_parameter_fields' => sub {
my ( $orig, $self ) = @_;
return [ @{ $self->$orig }, $name ];


And here is how you would use it.

package MyApp::Form::Step::CondSubTest;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
use MyApp::Role::Form::Step::Value;
extends 'MyApp::Form::Step::Base';
Value( name => 'value_a' ),
Value( name => 'value_b' ),

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About davewood

user-pic I like Toast.