Perl QA Hackathon 2010 Venue & Sponsorship

The Perl QA Hackathon 2010 will take place in the lovely MetaLab, a grass-root non-profit hack-space in the middle of Vienna (more on Wikipedia). There will be lots of space, workplaces, sofas, wireless and wired network and a big fridge full of drinks. has also proud to announce that we will sponsor the hackathon with 10.500 Euro. We will reserve a small part for catering during the event, but most of the money will go into paying for transport and hotel of invited guests.

If you want to hack on a QA / Toolchain project, please add yourself to the Attendees page of the wiki.

Thomas Klausner,
on behalf of and the Perl QA Hackathon 2010 team

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About domm

user-pic Just in case you like to know, I'm currently full-time father of 2 kids, half-time Perl hacker, sort-of DJ, bicyclist, no longer dreadlocked and more than 34 years old but too lazy to update my profile once a year. I'm also head of, no longer maintainer of the CPANTS project, member of the TPF Grants Commitee and the YAPC Europe Foundation. I've got stuff on CPAN, held various talks and organise the Austrian Perl Workshops and YAPC::Europe 2007.