App::TimeTracker 2.014 and CPAN::Mini::FromList 0.04

Wow, the new year starts with a lot of collaboration!

Today I got two IRC messages from people who added features / fixed bugs in two of my CPAN modules. Only now I had the time to take a closer look at the requests, merge them and push the new version to CPAN and github.

You can read more about the new version of App::TimeTracker in the App::TimeTracker Blog (Thanks, plu)

CPAN::Mini::FromList is a rather old dist I hacked up during the Oslo QA Hackathon, and it seems that it's still in use up there, as Salve submitted a patch that I just had to merge and than `dzil build`.

Only slightly related: A big THANK YOU is also due to the nice members of the #catalyst IRC channel, who (again) answered my question in no time.

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About domm

user-pic Just in case you like to know, I'm currently full-time father of 2 kids, half-time Perl hacker, sort-of DJ, bicyclist, no longer dreadlocked and more than 34 years old but too lazy to update my profile once a year. I'm also head of, no longer maintainer of the CPANTS project, member of the TPF Grants Commitee and the YAPC Europe Foundation. I've got stuff on CPAN, held various talks and organise the Austrian Perl Workshops and YAPC::Europe 2007.