graphql-perl - Mojolicious::Plugin::GraphQL - Mojolicious GraphQL endpoint
Having made a Dancer 2 plugin to easily make GraphQL endpoints, it only seemed fair to make a Mojolicious plugin to do the same thing. That has just been released to CPAN. There is also a sample applet for Mojolicious::Lite.
Sample code from the applet:
my $schema = GraphQL::Schema->new( query => GraphQL::Type::Object->new( name => 'QueryRoot', fields => { helloWorld => { type => $String, resolve => sub { 'Hello, world!' }, }, }, ), ); plugin GraphQL => {schema => $schema, graphiql => 1};
The next step will be to make GraphQL correctly handle asynchronous resolvers, using the excellent Future module.
The porting of GraphQL to Perl 5 is sponsored by Perl Careers.
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