Talk about CouchDB

In october a fellow Monger, Wolfgang Kinkeldei, made a talk about "Couch-DB" for the ERLUG, the Erlangen Linux User Group. One of our Perl-Mongers organized a room for the at the computing center of the university Erlangen-Nuremberg. Therefore the Erlangen Perl-Mongers recognized this talk and could attend as well.

CouchDB is a famous NoSQL database system that got quite some attention lately. It is a project hostet at apache foundation and follows a document oriented approach. CouchDB uses REST and JSON as a powerful but easy interface. Furthermore, it provides a web-based administration interface out of the box. And with its ability to use Javascript as its internal procedural language you can easily create simple web applications on top of CouchDB without other technologies. Wolfgang told us about these features and showed us some of those things live.

Wolfgang did the talk only as an exercice, he will do the talk in front of mor people at the anual KNF-Kongress in Nuremberg.

Besides the talk the people of ERLUG and the Perl-Mongers Erlangen got the opportunity to meet each other, to share thoughts and to learn about the other group. So maybe the one ore the other meeting we will get new attendies at our meetings.

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