Mojolicous: configure plugin's actions
While writing plugins we can do something:
$app->plugin( Auth => {
user_check => sub{
my( $user ) = @_;
# authentication_code_here;
But I prefer to keep my sturtup sub clean. Thus I route to controller’s action:
$app->plugin( Auth => { auth_check => 'auth#check' } );
Doing so I need to check in my plugin passed value. Is it sub or shortcut auth#check
And to simplify checking I implement next route shourtcut
sub register {
my( $plugin, $app, $conf ) = @_;
$app->routes->add_shortcut( xto => \&xto );
$app->routes->post ( '/auth' )->xto( $conf->{ auth_check } )
->name( 'authenticate' );
sub xto {
my $r = shift;
ref $_[0] eq 'CODE'?
$r->to({ cb => $_[0] }):
$r->to( @_ );
return $r;
Unfortunately this is not supported by core ->to
. I do not know why.
Finally when we create route we want bind it to some action. The callback and controller’s method are both actions: 1
my $cb = $field->{cb};
$self->_callback($c, $cb, $last);
_action($app, $c, $cb, $last);
and 2
$self->_controller($c, $field, $last);
my $method = $field->{action};
my $sub = $new->can($method);
_action($app, $new, $sub, $last);
Supporting this via ->to
interface seems natural, does not?
I discuss this on IRC. kraih was nor against, nor support that. Just not enough votes from other members.
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