Most common build-in functions or operators beginners should know about Perl
if (defined $x)
check a value or variable is undef or not.
undef $x;
reset a variable to undef.
qq, double-q operator; q, single-q operator
print qq(The "name" is "$name"\n);
print qq(The (name) is "$name"\n);
print qq{The )name( is "$name"\n};
print q[The )name} is "$name"\n];
The result will be:
The "name" is "foo"
The (name) is "foo"
The )name( is "foo"
The )name} is "$name"\n
x is repetition operator.
say "2" x 4;
will print the result:
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
my $z = 3;
say $z;
my $y = "3.14";
if (looks_like_number($z) and looks_like_number($y)) {
say $z + $y;
String comparison operators: eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge
String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr
my $str = "The black cat climbed the green tree";
say index $str, 'cat'; # 10
my $str = "The black cat climbed the green tree";
say substr $str, 4, 5; # black
int(): Integer part of a fractional number
rand(): Random numbers, A call to the rand($n) function of Perl will return a random fractional number between 0 and $n. It can be 0 but not $n.
last: skip the rest of the block and won’t check the condition again.
while (1) {
print "Which programming language are you learning now? ";
my $name = <STDIN>;
chomp $name;
if ($name eq 'Perl') {
say 'Wrong! Try again!';
say 'done';
exit: exit the script running
Redirect standard output or standard error:
perl > output_log
perl 2 > error_log
perl 2 > /dev/null #black hole
print scalar keys %hash;
size of the hash.
&func1 #function call
$_ #default input and pattern-searching space
$. current line number for the last filehandler accessed
$0 name of the programming being executed
$$ process number of the Perl running the script
$! yield the current value of error message
$@ the perl syntax error message from the last eval() operator
Note that you need to add
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
to the program before being able to call
I think it's much better to write:
say "2" x "4";
say "2" x 4;
to make it perfectly clear the right operand is an integer.
yep, you're right, it could be misunderstanding, although the results are the same. have edited it.Thanks.
Thanks for the kind reminder. have added it.