October 2013 Archives

Perl TV update

Since launching the Perl TV more than a week ago there have been quite some changes.

Videos can be now listed by tags, module names, or speaker. (Though it is still not clear how interviews and talks with multiple speakers will be listed.)

Besides YouT…

New maintainer for WebService::GData

When adding a new entry to the new Perl TV site, I copy some of the data from YouTue itself. To make it easier I wrote a small script that fetches the data from YouTube using the WebService::GData module.

Unfortunately, staring from perl 5.18 the module started to emit lots of warnings. The original author did not have interest furher maintaining the module, but he was kind enough to give me co-maintainer bit. A new version (0.06) is on its way to CPAN.

If you are using this module, I'…

Perl TV

The other day I was idly browsing Perl-related videos on YouTube. I saw quite a few with very low visitor count.

For example, I bumped into a presentation by Brabie about the Eco-System of CPAN Testers. It had less than 20 views!

I find it sad that all the energy Barbie put in preparing and giving the talk at YAPC, where maybe 50-100 people heard it, and all the work the organizers of YAPC put in recording the video and publishing it, and in the end less than 20 people watch it.

So I decided I go forward …

Why is the latest version of Devel::ptkdb not on CPAN?

In my recent post about debugging perl using Devel::hdb I claimed that
Devel::ptkdb has not been released since 2004, but a commenter pointed out there
are recent released on Sourceforge.

Does anyone here know why is it not uploaded to CPAN?

Are there other projects that somehow stopped being uploaded to CPAN?

Articles about Dist::Zilla

The web site of Dist::Zilla now has a page listing articles about Dist::Zilla.

Having this collection is useful for developers who would like to understand Dist::Zilla more.

In case you know about any other articles, please send a pull request for the dzil.org repository.
The specific file is
articles.pod. (For some reason Github only shows the title, …

About Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו

user-pic I blog about Perl.