reading input from a file
i have recently started learning perl.....and having issues when i try to read input from another file. the details of a script that i tried to run are as follows:
i made a text file by the name "text.txt" and the contents were
Then i wrote the following script
open(DAT, "text.txt");
$data_file=" text.txt ";
open(DAT, $data_file);
foreach $student (@raw_data)
print "The student $name bearing roll number $roll_no is in class $class";
print "
the script produces no output and displays a message saying
"readline () closed filehandle at
I tried the same with another file by the name "text.dat" holding the same data but it did not work either. Please help me out resolving this issue.
You should always (yes, always) check the return value of open(), like this:
Also, opening DAT twice can't do any good. Also there are spaces around the filename "text.txt". Also I don't see "use strict;" or "use warnings;", which can teach you a lot about how to write good Perl.
I think fixes your version. But learning the good modules on cpan is a great idea
and more generally
or for the google translated version
Which can get you to:
"Learning Perl" would also be a good read
This code does the same thing as yours.
As an aside, this is a weblog site, not a Perl help forum. If you are looking for help, you are more likely to find more of it faster by posting your questions on
ok i post my question on the link you have told.... thnx alot..