Call for Tutorial Sessions

Are you an experienced instructor or speaker who would like to offer a course at The Perl Conference this year in Salt Lake City?

Great! We hereby invite you to participate by submitting a Tutorial Session!

We would like to offer the Perl community a selection of courses and tutorials before and after the conference. This is your chance to be a part of that.

Tutorial Sessions can be a half day (3 hours), full day (6 hours) or 2 days in length and will run on Sunday 17th, Thursday 21st, or Friday 22nd of June.

To submit your proposal please complete the following information here:

  • Class Title
  • Names of Speakers
  • Speaker Biography
  • Abstract
  • Class Description, including:
  • the course's length
  • the intended audience
  • any prerequisites or expected level of knowledge
  • any supplies you will be providing to students
  • any supplies you expect students to bring
  • a short course outline
  • maximum class size
  • The dates on which you would be willing to give your course (June 17th, 21st, or 22nd)
  • A list of requirements for the venue (A/V, Internet, etc.)
  • Cost of the Class, per student (please keep in mind TPC will also need to add an administrative fee to this initial cost)

Please bear in mind that it is our goal to keep the cost of these classes down for students as this is a low cost conference.

Questions can be sent to

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