Dancer2 0.204001 restores 5.8 support, fixes Test::Perl::Critic dependencies

Dancer2 0.204001 is on its way to a CPAN mirror near you. There are several important updates in this release that are worth noting:

  • Support for Perl 5.8 support has been restored. We used a named capture in a regex in resolving an issue in Dancer2 0.204000 and in the process, made Dancer2 unusable on Perl 5.8. This has been fixed. Thanks veryrusty!

  • Dancer2 0.204000 unintentionally required that Test::Perl::Critic be installed, and that we pass Perl::Critic tests to install properly. This has been reverted. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The full changelog is here:

0.204001  2016-10-17 08:29:00-05:00 America/Chicago

* Restore 5.8 support (fix test which required captures).
  (Russell @veryrusty Jenkins)
* PR #1271: fix wrong regex check against $_ (Mickey Nasriachi)

* GH #1262: Add 'encode_json' and 'decode_json' DSL, which are
  recommended instead of 'to_json' and 'from_json'.
  (Dennis @episodeiv lichtenthäler)

* Fix some typos.(Dennis @episodeiv lichtenthäler)
* GH #1031: Remove D2::Core::Context remnants from docs.
  (Sawyer X)

* GH #1273: Do not require Test::Perl::Critic to install.
  (Dennis lichtenthäler)

Thanks to Dennis @episodeiv Lichtenthäler for contributing to this release.

Happy Dancing!

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About Jason A. Crome

user-pic Dancer developer, pilot, and hockey player.