Dancer2 0.301002 Released

On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I'd like to announce the availability of Dancer2 0.301002. This release includes a number of enhancements and documentation changes along with several bugfixes. The most notable enhancement is a brand new command line interface, and I highly encourage you to check it out.

This is feature-for-feature compatible with the previous CLI, but has a few minor cosmetic differences from the prior version. Under the hood, however, it is entirely different. We previously used App::Cmd as the basis for our CLI, but recent changes to it bumped the minimum Perl version to 5.20. As we strive to maintain compatibility back to at least Perl 5.10, this caused some problems for users stuck on older Perl versions. We monkey-patched a fix in a previous version, but our new-and-improved CLI based on CLI::Osprey is the path forward. Even better, CLI::Osprey has no dependencies outside of those we already had in the Dancer2 toolchain, so your favorite lightweight web framework just got even lighter.

You can read the complete changelog here. If you need help, please reach out on IRC ( or our mailing list.

Thank you to our users for being one of the best parts of the Perl community. We appreciate your continued feedback and support. Please reach out with any suggestions or needs you have.

Happy Dancing!

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About Jason A. Crome

user-pic Dancer developer, pilot, and hockey player.