Goodbye old modules

Earlier today I read a post from Neil Bowers inviting CPAN authors to consider being involved in CPAN day, which is coincidentally today.

It prompted me to take a serious look at the modules I have uploaded to CPAN and acknowledge that some of them are no longer valuable. Indeed as I reviewed one of them I was none too kind in my judgements against the author.

That made it quite easy for me to see how I can easily participate in CPAN day. I'm removing a couple of modules:

  1. Business::Worldpay::Junior - I don't think this integration option even exists any more and I certainly haven't actively maintained this for years.
  2. Net::UKDomain::Nominet::Automaton - Nominet withdrew the Automaton in 2015

Those are now scheduled for deletion on Monday next week.

I'll need to review some of the others and consider whether to open them up for anyone who is interested to take over as maintainer.

For now I've done my bit.

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About Jason Clifford

user-pic I'm Jason Clifford. I've been using Perl since the early 1990's.