Yenta - a highly-available key-value store

I have uploaded the source code for Yenta, our

Yentas operate as a peer-to-peer network (there is no "master" node). Nodes use gossip based protocols for distributing membership + status information. Put() operations distribute data in a network-topology aware manner. Eventual consistency is achieved by data versioning and gossiping merkle-tree hash values.

At Solve Media, our web-site partners depend on our technology. If we go down,…

distributed data analysis and reporting and perl, ...

so I was asked this question regarding our users and our products
- I quickly (less than 5 minutes) wrote up a map-reduce (+ reduce) job,
- submitted it to our array of servers,
- and in less than 10 seconds, I had the answer.

actual job code (names changed):

    my $data = shift;

return unless $data->{category} eq 'CATEGORY';
return unless $data->{design};
return unless $data->{type} eq 'TYPE';

return ("$data->…