Pinto on FLOSS Weekly next Wednesday

I'll be doing a live webcast about Pinto with Randal Schwartz for FLOSS Weekly. Tune in to next Wednesday, March 27 at 08:30 (Pacific Time) to the see the show. Your can send in your questions in real-time via the #twitlive channel on

Pinto is a robust tool for creating custom CPAN-like repositories of Perl modules. You can fill your repository with any combination of private and public modules, and then build/test/install them using the standard tools (e.g. cpan, cpanm, cpanp). Since you control the repository, you'll get exactly the same modules every time. Pinto also has some novel tools for tracking and managing changes, so you can upgrade modules with confidence and control.

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About Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer

user-pic Hacker, speaker, author, dad.