"Parsing: a Timeline", version 3.1

I have updated my "Parsing: a Timeline" to version 3.1. You can see the official announcement on my blog, or "cheat" by going straight to the new timeline. The timeline is a painless introduction to a fascinating and important story which is scattered among one of the most forbidding literatures in computer science. Previous versions have been, by far, the most popular of my writings.

A third of Timeline 3.1 is new, added since the 3.0 version. Much of the new material is adapted from previous blog posts, both old and recent. Other material is completely new. The sections that are not new with 3.1 has been carefully reviewed and heavily revised.

About Jeffrey Kegler

user-pic I blog about Perl, with a focus on parsing and Marpa, my parsing algorithm based on Jay Earley's.