Trying to make confluence usable.
=head1 RESTfluence
I've tried to make this blog post copy/pastable as valid perl and valid markdown. So with luck it can be copy/pasted into an editor if you want to use this.
Confluence. I don't really like it, but the major thing it's got going for it is that it's not Sharepoint. As I am spending the summer holidays doing some documentation at work, one of the things I wanted to do was to make confluence less hateful. So I cracked open the REST API to see how far I could get.
There used to be good tools, but atlassian got rid of the XMLRPC API not that long ago.
Progress I made was:
- Got a list of all spaces, and all pages in each space.
- Worked out how to obtain the content of a page.
- Worked out how to change the content of a page (for when the time comes).
Where I got stuck:
- Working out how to round-trip the confluence markup to/from markdown.
The rest of this post describes the script I put together. It's not useful enough for me to put on the CPAN but it's worth putting up somewhere.
package RESTfluence;
=for post
This is a script at the moment, but it still has its own package name. I'm using Moo because it makes everything easy. You'lll notice that I use lazy attributes (built on demand). Making lazy attributes so easy is the #1 thing I get out of modern perl. Remeber, Moo turns on warnings and strict automatically.
use Moo; # provides ->new, $self and easy to declare lazy attributes
=for post
There's a small list of CPAN modules needed:
use URI; # I hate URI string manipulation
use Net::Netrc; # Credentials store
use REST::Client; # Some convenence wrappers on REST
use JSON::MaybeXS qw(JSON); # the only worthwhile CPAN json module ;)
use feature 'say'; # modern perl print $string . "\n";
=for post
We're going to want storage for the wiki url and its credentials. For authentication, we're using a ~/.netrc
file (chmod 0600) and store with this format:
password mypassword
has wiki => (
is => 'ro',
default => $ENV{MY_CONFLUENCE}, # e.g.
has netrc => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub {
return Net::Netrc->lookup($_[0]->wiki);
=for post
The other component is to provide a JSON parser, and an attribute that contains the REST::Client instance.
has json => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub {
has rest => (
is => 'lazy',
default => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $c = REST::Client->new;
$self->netrc->login, $self->netrc->password);
$c->setHost($self->wiki . '/rest/api');
return $c;
=for post
run if ! caller
is one of the best things ever.
__PACKAGE__->run() if ! caller;
=for post
As I said I got to the point where I could download content, so that's what run
currently does.
sub run {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
$self = $self->new(%args);
# my $all_pages = $self->get_all_pages();
my $data = $self->get_page_content(title => q/Page Title HERE/, spaceKey => 'DKB');
return $data;
=for post
I was going to add post
, put
and delete
methods when necessary.
sub get {
my ($self, $path, $args) = @_;
$self->request('GET', $path, $args);
=for post
This is the bit that drives the request. It does some very gentle path mangling and returns the parsed json if status is 200, otherwise returns a data structure with the response content.
sub request {
my ($self, $method, $path, $args) = @_;
$args ||= [];
$path = join '/' if ref($path); # ARRAY
$path = "/$path" unless $path =~ m{^/};
$self->rest->$method($path, @$args);
my $rc = $self->rest->responseCode;
say STDERR "Response: $rc";
my $res;
if ($rc == 200) {
$res = $self->json->decode($self->rest->responseContent);
else {
$res = { response_code => $rc,
message => $self->rest->responseContent,
return $res;
=for post
The query
subroutine is a convenience wrapper around REST::Client
sub query {
my ($self, %query) = @_;
return $self->rest->buildQuery(%query);
=for post
This is where I start working with the API. This method just lists all spaces in the wiki, and returns them.
sub list_spaces {
my ($self) = @_;
my $orig = URI->new($self->rest->getHost);
my $new = $orig->clone;
my $offset = 0;
my $all_spaces;
my $spaces = {};
my $limit = 50;
while (! $spaces->{results} || @{$spaces->{results}} == $limit ) {
$spaces = $self->get("/space?limit=$limit&start=$offset");
push @$all_spaces, map {
{ name => $_->{name},
key => $_->{key},
id => $_->{id},
api => $_->{_links}->{self},
web => $self->wiki . $_->{_links}->{webui} }
} @{$spaces->{results}};
$offset = $offset + $limit;
return $all_spaces;
=for post
returns all the pages in a space. From this result we can get the page space and the page title. Which is important for obtaining content.
sub get_pages_for {
my ($self, $space) = @_;
my $key = $space->{key};
my $limit = 25;
my $offset = 0;
my $info;
my $pages;
while (! $pages || @{$pages->{results}} == $limit ) {
$pages = $self->get("content?spaceKey=$key&type=page&limit=$limit&start=$offset");
say STDERR "Limit: $limit Offset: $offset Key: $key";
my $res = $pages->{results};
push @$info, map { {
title => $_->{title},
id => $_->{id},
web => $self->wiki . $_->{_links}->{webui},
edit => $self->wiki . $_->{_links}->{editui},
api => $_->{_links}->{self} }
} @$res;
$offset = $offset + $limit;
return $info;
=for post
just gets all pages in all spaces
sub get_all_pages {
my ($self) = @_;
my $spaces = $self->list_spaces();
foreach my $s (@$spaces) {
$s->{pages} = $self->get_pages_for($s);
return $spaces;
=for post
requires a hash:
( title => 'Page Title', spaceKey => 'whatever)
Currently this returns atlassian storage format which seems to be a mix of XHTML and XML. I'd really like to be able to round trip this to markdown so I can edit and create pages easily. But I'm currently at a loss as to how to proceed.
sub get_page_content {
my ($self, %location) = @_;
my $q = $self->query(%location, expand => '');
my $res = $self->get("/content$q");
return ref $res ? $res->{results}->[0]->{body}->{storage}->{value} : undef;
1; # end package on truth :)
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