June 2021 Archives

Next stable DBD::SQLite will be released around the end of July

DBD::SQLite 1.67_07 (with SQLite 3.36.0) is a release candidate for the next stable DBD::SQLite. This release has a notable change to improve how to deal with Unicode/Latin-1 characters, contributed by Felipe Gasper. If you write a new application, it is recommended to use one of the newly added modes like this:

use DBI;
use DBD::SQLite::Constants qw(:dbd_sqlite_string_mode);

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:$dbname", "", "", {
# or
# sqlite_string_mode => DBD_SQLITE_STRING_MO…

About Kenichi Ishigaki

user-pic a Japanese perl programmer/translator, aka charsbar