October 2018 Archives

Perl6::Math::Matrix (Part 5: patient with docs)

If you write any software package, you have to document it. This simple truth drives more than few developers into despair. But there is also a way to craft good documentation and make the writing of it a useful part of the development. This is the closing part about authoring a Perl 6 module and Math::Matrix in particular (part: one, two, three, and four).

Perl6::Math::Matrix (Part 4: naming methods)

While reflecting on how to write a good Perl 6 module, I thought a lot about how to properly name my methods. In this text I want to summarize what served me, which is a direct continuation of the last part, where I wrote about when it is helpful that methods share one name.

About lichtkind

user-pic Kephra, Articles, Books, Perl, Programming