Log4perl: Category Logging at a Different Level than Root
(This is probably intuitively obvious to everyone else...)
Here is a sample Log::Log4perl configuration where the root logs at WARN, package 'Joe' logs at 'INFO', and package 'Zoe::Marie' logs at ERROR:
log4perl.rootLogger=WARN, LOGFILE log4perl.logger.Joe=INFO, LOGFILE log4perl.logger.Zoe.Marie=ERROR, LOGFILElog4perl.additivity.Joe = 0
log4perl.additivity.Zoe.Marie = 0
log4perl.appender.LOGFILE.layout.ConversionPattern=[%r] %F %L %c - %m%n
Because of how Log::Log4perl was built, you don't need to do anything special in your code to support this multi-level priority logging -- each package can just use Log::Log4perl->get_logger() to get the the logging object and it all falls out in the wash.
(In theory, this type of configuration should work for Log4j and Log4net also.)
Please note that sometimes you will need to specify the category for get_logger, as in Log::Log4perl->get_logger('CATEGORY').
Sorry that I'm not sure yet when this is needed -- I've just started working with Log::Log4perl.