Cosmoshop supports the German Perl/Raku-Workshop

We are happy to announce that CosmoShop supports the German Perl/Raku-Workshop.

CosmoShop is the largest pure Perl based shop system.

Since 1997, we have been implementing sophisticated and individual eCommerce projects in the B2B sector with our specially developed store software. We are the central point of contact for the entire spectrum.

CosmoShop ist das weltweit größte rein perlbasierte Shopsystem.

Mit unserer eigens entwickelten Shopsoftware realisieren wir seit 1997 anspruchsvolle und individuelle eCommerce Projekte im B2B Umfeld. Dabei sind wir zentraler Ansprechpartner des gesamten Spektrums.

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About Max Maischein

user-pic I'm the Treasurer for the Frankfurt Perlmongers e.V. . I have organized Perl events including 9 German Perl Workshops and one YAPC::Europe.