Deploying Perl code with git, local::lib, Minicpan and cpanminus

At $work we're nearing the end of a long upgrade process, that's included moving from Debian etch to lenny, from svk to git, from Perl 5.8 to 5.10, from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2 (and then to Plack), and moving to recent versions of DBIC and Catalyst (which had previously been pegged at a pre-Moose state).

For code deployment we had been packaging all Perl modules as Debian packages and keeping our own CPAN repository, but wanted a more 'Perl-ish' solut…

Syntax highlighting comment keywords in TextMate (TODO, FIXME, etc)

mst's State of the Velociraptor talk at YAPC::EU inspired me to start a blog here, although this first post has nothing to do with Perl...

After reading Chisel's post on highlighting useful words like TODO in Vim, I decided to see if TextMate could do the same. After a bit of trial-and-error and a brief glance at the documentation, the following worked for me:

  1. Bundles / Bundle Editor / Edit Languages (and choose Perl if not already selected)
  2. Find this section in the language g…