London Perl Workshop 2017 - Curtain Raiser

It is Monday morning, not very popular day of the week. However, for one thing, I always look forward to it, the Perl Weekly newsletter. I will talk about it some other day as the reason for this blog is about the upcoming event London Perl Workshop 2017. As you all aware it is happening on 25th Nov 2017 at the same venue for the last few years. So what is different this year? I noticed lots of short talks (20 min) covering wide range of topics. I, personally, prefer short talks, as this allows to fit in few additional talks. What am I doing this year? If you remember, last year I gave my first short talk (20 min) at LPW about my journey from CPAN user to contributor. I made few mistakes, being my first talk. First mistake, I couldn't manage my allotted time well. Second mistake, missing connector to plug-in my laptop. I panicked initially but the organising team came handy and sorted it all in the end. Kudos to the LPW Organising Team. No prize for guessing, this year also I am going to present short talk (20 min) on a subject very close to my heart Map::Tube. I remember last year, I had about twenty odd people in the audience for my talk. I was pleasantly surprised by the response at the end of my talk.
I was wondering, if people, who are planning to attend a particular talk, can submit their
interest here LPW 2017 Talks section. This even helps the organising team to arrange the talks accordingly. Having said this, I have registered my interest so far, to the following talks, in no particular order, more to follow soon:

1) "Perl and Docker, sitting in a tree" by JJ Allen.
2) "The PAUSE Operating Model" by Neil Bowers.
3) "Web Site Tune-Up" by Dave Cross.
4) "Devel::MAT updated" by Paul Evans.
5) "Packing Perl applications for Windows with Win32::Packer" by Salvador Fandino.
6) "The Art of Programming" by DrForr
7) "Why learning a bit of Crypto is good for you" by Colin Newell.

I am also going to attend all the lightning talks as well.

I am excited to meet new and old faces :-)

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About Mohammad Sajid Anwar

user-pic 2022 White Camel Awardee. CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Indian by birth, British by choice.