London.PM at a glance

Last evening, I attended for the first time. I have been the member of for many years though but never got the time to attend one before. So what prompted me to attend yesterday? Two things, one Neil Bowers was listed as one of the speaker and second the reminder email about the event by Rick. I will share my experience with the rest of the world. First thing, the venue, the best location, ideal for me to commute from office directly. The arrangements were top class, big thanks to all the members of organizing team. There were enough drinks (alcohol and non-alcohol) and Pizza for all of us. The event started with the talk "Catching up with Perl: what I missed being stuck on 5.8.9" by Mike Whitaker. It was interesting to know how things have improved for good. It also reminded me a similar talk by Dave Cross last year at LPW 2016. I must say Mike didn't have enough time to go into the details of each, where as Dave had all the time in the world. The second talk was "One in a Million" by Paul Evans. Although it was not related to Perl but still interesting. Then came talk "Scrum for Developers, What that means for us." by Jerome Eteve, fun to watch actually. After that Dave Lambley gave talk on "Software necromancy with Perl and SDL". He gave live demo of the game he built with Perl. It was fascinating to watch live demo. Finally the time for Neil Bowers to talk about "The PAUSE Governance Model".

Overall, it was a pleasant experience for me. I got to meet new people. I met Colin Newell, very friendly guy. He is giving talk on "Why learning a bit of Crypto is good for you" at LPW 2017. I also happen to meet one of the members of LPW Organising team, Katherine Spice. I generally don't see many female faces at any Perl events. It is good to see some new faces, driving LPW. I hope to attend event regularly.

Looking forward to the London Perl Workshop 2017 !!!!

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About Mohammad Sajid Anwar

user-pic 2022 White Camel Awardee. CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Indian by birth, British by choice.