My First Talk at The Perl Conference in Glasgow 2018

I am giving a short talk on "How to become a CPAN contibutor?" at the The Perl Conference in Glasgow 2018. This is going to be my first ever talk at the European Perl Conference. I have already prepared the first draft of the slides for my talk. I will be doing final cleanup in the next few days. I have also got the hotel and train tickets booked.

For a change, this time I am taking my family with me. The plan is to have Glasgow City tour one day and one day Edinburgh City tour with the family.

Before I was mostly associated with London Perl Workshop for obvious reason as I live in London. Few months ago, I got the opportunity to attend German Perl Workshop 2018 in Gummersbach. I must say, I was very impressed with the way the event was handled by capable team of organisors, specially Jens and Roland.

I am looking forward to my first talk at Glasgow where I am hoping to meet the big guns with whom I have been interacting on Twitter/Email. I saw some familiar names from German Perl Workshop gang are also visiting Glasgow. It is going to be lots of fun. I also hope to meet Liz and Wendy there.

If you have not purchased the ticket already then please don't delay and buy your ticket quickly.

Hope to you meet you all there.

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About Mohammad Sajid Anwar

user-pic 2022 White Camel Awardee. CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Indian by birth, British by choice.