February 2013 Archives

GitHub for _____

Earlier today I wanted to install git on Windows so that I could keep my distroprefs synced between smokers. I almost installed Git for Windows but I waited.

A little bit ago, I was asked to test a new version of Net::Printer (after I submitted a bug four days ago that the tests were hanging on Windows) which resided in a GitHub repo. There was this shiny button labeled "Clone in Windows" which I clicked. I was taken to GitHub for Windows which I downloaded and installed. I already like this better than…

Smoke Testing & CPAN prefs (a lesson learned)

I started smoke testing on Windows a short time ago. I already had Strawberry Perl 5.12.3 and CPAN::Reporter. I installed CPAN::Reporter::Smoker and started it up.

Then I did the same thing on my laptop that was running Strawberry Perl 5.16.2.

I quickly discovered that many modules will hang during the make or make test phase. I looked around the CPAN Testers Wiki and found out about Distroprefs (http://wiki.cpantesters.org/wiki/Distroprefs). I didn't pull down anyone's repo though. I just started compiling a list of my own one by one as I encountered problems (making sure to…

About Mr. Muskrat

user-pic I'm married with 2 girls. By day, I work as a Senior Design Engineer (full time Perl programmer) for EFJohnson Technologies, a Land Mobile Radio company, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. By night, I play various games as the mood strikes me. (Lately it's CPAN smoke testing.)