Perl en France?

(Pardonnez mon mauvais français). Ma belle-mère (presque) visite Londres cette semaine. Elle aimerait que Leïla (ma fiancée) habiter en France et me demanda s'il serait difficile pour moi de trouver un emploi en France. J'avais l'impression que Perl n'est pas très populaire en France et je lui ai expliqué que, sans parler couramment le français, il serait difficile pour moi d'obtenir un emploi en France dans un autre langage que Perl. Pour Perl, il semble qu'il ya très peu d'emplois à Perl en France. Est-ce vrai?

Nous n'avons aucune intention de quitter le Royaume-Uni, mais je suis curieux de connaître l'état de Perl en France.

My future mother-in-law is visiting this week. She wants Leila to move back to France and asked me if it would be difficult for me to find a job in France. I was under the impression that Perl is not very popular in France and found myself trying to explain that without speaking French fluently, it would be difficult for me to get a job in France in a programming language other than Perl. As for Perl, it's seems that there are very few Perl jobs in France. Is this true?

We are not planning on leaving the UK, but I am curious about the state of Perl in France.

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Hi Ovid,

Your french is pretty good!

To my knowledge, there are indeed very few Perl jobs in the french-speaking world, which is quite unfortunate. There is a community of french Perl mongers, but most of them seem to be passionate individuals who managed to introduce some Perl in their jobs, rather than being hired initially for their Perl skills.

Our project at Geneva Law Courts (see the YAPC::EU::09 slides and paper) is perhaps the biggest french-speaking Perl team (7 people) ... but we are not hiring at the moment.

The french community tries to advocate for Perl in business, but that's a hard job. Some nice testimonies are in a survey by Journal du Net.

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About Ovid

user-pic Freelance Perl/Testing/Agile consultant and trainer. See for our services. If you have a problem with Perl, we will solve it for you. And don't forget to buy my book!