100% Test Coverage?

OK, you know how it works. Everybody who's really comfortable with testing often offers the following advice:

  • Use Devel::Cover
  • Don't strive for 100% coverage

This advice is absolutely correct, but misleading. It leaves you with an obvious question: what coverage do I want? This is where the danger lies.

While hacking on my Veure project, I find myself often digging into code that I don't understand terribly well. This also means I don't understand my interface. As a result, I often implement something I think will work, hit my browser and view the results. Which are wrong. Again. So I tinker some more. Again.

Lather, rinse, repeat. The benefit of this strategy is that I tend to add new functionality much faster. The drawback is that once something is working, it's easy to be careless with testing. And here's what I've found:

If it's not covered, it's broken. Every. Single. Time.

I admit that anecdotes are not data and maybe I'm just a bad programmer, but my code is getting complex enough that there are parts of it which look perfectly fine, but are nonetheless wrong. I recently discovered a URL hack exploit because when I was trying to increase my code coverage, I focused on a few modules with coverage around 98% or so and tried to get them to 100%. Three modules in a row with just a couple of untested lines had bugs in those lines.

You don't want to test that things already tested work (don't test getters/setters in Moose unless you're hacking on Moose directly), but you had better make sure that your code is setting them appropriately.

So don't strive for 100%, but be very, very careful about the seductive thought of "I have 95% coverage". If your project is sufficiently complex, that last 5% will be a minefield.


For me, the area where I start drawing the line on coverage is conditionals for multiple operating systems or error handling when provoking the error state itself becomes a substantial coding hassle or where the error handling itself is trivial.

For example, consider the common "open ... or die ..." idiom. Do I really need to provoke a failure to open a file just to get 100% coverage of that "or" condition? What does that tell me? That Perl can successfully die? On the other hand if the "or ..." clause tried to recover in some way, then it probably is worth testing.

Note also that leaving out the "or die ..." clause would improve my coverage ratio, but make for worse code. [cough]autodie[cough]. That's why people say that 100% coverage is good but no guarantee that things are done well.

So I'd say that 100% is good goal, but one shouldn't lose sight of the cost-benefit tradeoff to be made for where one's time is best spent.

-- dagolden

Here is a question for you. Which is more important:

The cleaner and less error prone code that is possible with MooseX::Declare. Or the code coverage reports provided by Devel::Cover.

The problem is that Devel::Cover will not work on code written with MooseX::Declare.

If you have the luxury of starting with a fresh new code-line, an incremental approach which strives for 100% coverage would be to start with a small baseline and make that (maximally) 100% covered. Every additional piece of code from that point on would require 100% coverage.

I've reminded people that when Devel::Cover says 100%, it doesn't necessarily mean that all your code is covered.

It doesn't test operators 1/$a
It doesn't test regular expressions $b =~ /complex regexp/.

It also doesn't mean that your Test coverage is 100%. It just means that every line and suboption of code has been run through. This is more of a measure of how well and thorougly you write your tests, too.

Similarly, you can have 100% coverage of code, but have Devel::Cover fail.

my $option = shift || $self->default();

is not something that Devel::Cover handles well. A programmer looks at that and says, oh, take whatever the default is. But D::C says, "What happens when $self->default() is false?".

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this already. 100% code coverage means you have written extremely fragile tests and your tests are highly coupled to your implementation. I would consider that as a bad thing. Lately, I have been taking more of a BDD approach and testing just the business requirements and the public interfaces. One benefit is that I can refactor the implementation to my hearts content without breaking any tests, as long as the interface doesn't change.

It's not always feasible to have 100% coverage.

For example, if you have code which does

cp($filea,$fileb) or die
rename($filec,$filed) or die
cp($filea,$filec) or die

causing the third line to fail is at best impractical -- you can't make it fail by making filea unreadable, as it will never get there; filec is renamed, so making it unwritable doesn't help; and you can't make the directory unwritable and still get there, either. (This is a minimal version of something I ran into last night, and it's 5am so I may be missing a case, but in my actual case I have yet to find a way to reach the last line and still have it fail).

The main problems with 100% coverage is that it is measured off of the granddaddy of bad metrics: lines of code.

If you had 100% branch coverage, 100% normal case coverage, 100% edge case coverage, and 100% input parameter permutation coverage, you'd have some robust code.

You'll never even get close unless you do TDD, because then the micro-API of the method calls will be structured such that you can reach 100%.

After you get accustomed to it, it won't take much longer; but it will still feel like it does.

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About Ovid

user-pic Freelance Perl/Testing/Agile consultant and trainer. See http://www.allaroundtheworld.fr/ for our services. If you have a problem with Perl, we will solve it for you. And don't forget to buy my book! http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Perl-Curtis-Poe/dp/1118013840/