2011 Perl QA Hackathon

So the 2011 Perl QA Hackathon is happening here in Amsterdam and sponsored in part by my employer, Booking.com (what? You want to sit by a canal here in Amsterdam, eating bitterballen, drinking Grolsch and loving life as an expat? Drop me a line because we're still hiring). This will give me a chance to catch up on a fair amount of code I've been neglecting (testing related and otherwise). Of course, I think I have a damned good excuse for not being as "present" in the community as I otherwise could be the last couple of months:

Our beautiful daughter

That being said, I still want to apply some long-neglected patches to Test::Differences and other modules.

I also have a few other ideas up my sleeve, but we'll see how much time we have.

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About Ovid

user-pic Freelance Perl/Testing/Agile consultant and trainer. See http://www.allaroundtheworld.fr/ for our services. If you have a problem with Perl, we will solve it for you. And don't forget to buy my book! http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Perl-Curtis-Poe/dp/1118013840/