I ♥ perlbrew

I love perlbrew! I like to keep the version of Perl that I normally use as up-to-date as possible, but it's nice to keep other versions around for compatibility. Just now, I needed to know when readline got fixed. With perlbrew, it was faster to check directly than it was to look it up!

$ cat >> VentureBros
$ perlbre…

Padre, the Perl IDE

I have been using Emacs for decades. I am totally happy with it (indeed, it keeps getting better and better!) and am not looking for another editor. Nonetheless I like to keep abreast of things, so when new tools become available, I like to check them out.

For a while now, I have been hearing about Padre, an IDE written in Perl. However, until recently, I wasn't able to get it to work. Granted, I never tried anything more than


but for version 0.50 and below that always failed one or more te…

About oylenshpeegul

user-pic I blog about Perl.