Perl 5 Porters Weekly^WMonthly: January 2013
Welcome to Perl 5 Porters Monthly, a summary of the email traffic of the perl5-porters email list.
Well, that was a nice little break. I didn't intend for it to be so long but there you go. Life gets real sometimes. To catch up I'm basically going month by month through most of April. I plan to resume monthly summaries starting the week of April 29, 2013.
Topics for this month:
- COW: big slowdown in simple pattern matches
- Who is the perl5 security team?
- module deprecations for 5.18
- NWCLARK TPF grant December report
- Perl5 blead now contains experimental (?[]) regex sets feature
- Why does Perl have its own regexp engine in 2012?
- perlopentut modernization
- use of LIKELY() and UNLIKELY() branch predictors
These are all of the "read the thread" link variety.