Perl 5 Porters Weekly: April 29-May 5, 2013

Welcome to Perl 5 Porters Weekly, a summary of the email traffic of the perl5-porters email list.

Topics this week include:

  • Sequence (?#...) not recognized in regex
  • How on earth did we manage to break pack() so badly?
  • DAVEM TPF Grant April Report
  • Problems with Carp::longmess() in 5.17.10 and before
  • What does PERL_HASH_SEED do?

Sequence (?#...) not recognized in regex

Karl Williamson reports on a problem in Perl's regex engine which he's made a patch for. This thread goes over the specifics and asks RJBS how the patch ought to be applied to blead for 5.18.

April thread

May thread

How on earth did we manage to break pack() so badly

Yves Orton writes, um, a strong critique of the behavior of pack() since 5.10. He feels it's annoying and wrong. Dave Mitchell thinks it might need some tweaks but is basically proper behavior.

Read the thread

DAVEM TPF Grant April 2013 Report

Dave Mitchell gives his monthly summary of work done on perl as part of his TPF grant. These are always interesting reads if you like to track the history of perl bug detection and squashing.

Read the thread

Problems with Carp::longmess() in 5.17.10 and before

Watch live code archealogy as P5P digs deep into some messy internals of Carp.

April thread

May thread

What does PERL_HASH_SEED do?

Steve Hay asks about the variance between the documented behavior of this environment variable and the observed behavior in blead.

Read the thread

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