Hello (cruel) world!

I'll be posting a bit or two on Perl and Biology for the masses, including my attempts at refactoring bits of BioPerl.


Do actual biologists use BioPerl? Where have you found it easier than writing a one-off script from scratch?

Speaking as a sometimes biologist, my experience of Bioperl has been that it is often slow, overly complex, and/or incomplete. Worse, the documentation and interface are utter garbage. Let's say I want to deal with a FASTA file. A straightforward CPAN search leads me to this:


Give me a break. FASTA is a simple format, and should be easy to handle. I'll just do '$/="\n>"' and forget about the module...

Speaking as a sometimes biologist, my experience of Bioperl has been that it is often slow, overly complex, and/or incomplete. Worse, the documentation and interface are utter garbage. Let's say I want to deal with a FASTA file. A straightforward CPAN search leads me to this:


Give me a break. FASTA is a simple format, and should be easy to handle. I'll just do '$/="\n>"' and forget about the module...

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About pyrimidine

user-pic I blog about Perl (and biology).