Comparing YUI - Dojo - Ext JS - jQuery
Hi Folks
After spending a lot of fragmented time over the last 7-8 weeks, I've finally finished my 2nd comparison of JS libs. I can no longer find the first on the old blogs site, but by now I don't think it matters.
This one is in HTML because the original is in POD, and that gives me a much easier time of it in the proof-reading phase.
Hi Ron,
That's a nice comparison and gives a good overview . I have started using backbone.js with underscore.js, which I am beginning to like a lot.
Hi Kiran
Thanx for the compliment. I wandered around the backbone and underscore sites, since I hadn't heard of them before. And, eek, eek, eek! So much more to learn... I'm exhausted, and it's only 11:00 am here now. Time for bed :-).
Did you consider Apache Flex at all?
Flex works very nicely with a Dancer based services.
ExtJS is pretty funky and looks pretty by lacks documentation big time.
Have you looked at mootools ? Wikipedia claims its the second most popular only, and i was able to whip up some fancy effects with less pain (and cpu) than with jQuery.
No. It seems Apache Flex is just for Flash, which doesn't interest me, especially since Flash does not work under Debian 6 64-bit and Chrome.
It's been 2 or 3 years since I saw any reference to mootools, so I'm guessing it's not big time. I found a ref to it in my browser history, via, a sandbox type of thing.
See also Glow:
Frankly, it's a lot of work to review even a small number of JS libs, so I guess my general recommendation is: If you feel you're productive with brand X, stick to it.
I did this review because I'm uneasy and unhappy with YUI, but I would not switch unless I felt the alternative was definitely better, and I've now more-or-less decided to scrap YUI and adopt jQuery. I just have a little bit more to do on the wine db app (adding a new entry in the db). If that goes as well as expected, that'll be the end of YUI for me.
Ya Ron, ExtJS is real tough.
Hey look, a grid with the following features, in 50 lines:
sortable (and reverse),
draggable columns,
hideable columns,
resizable columns
and it works in IE6+ and FF, Chrome, Safari, and probably even Lynx.
This took me 29 seconds to create.
Maybe try a bit harder before you're so dismissive? JQuery doesn't even have its own grid. You get to learn YET ANOTHER API.
Hi Buster
Welllll, there's a limit on how many APIs I want to learn.
And, I think you start off as an expert (to some degree) in Ext JS. It makes no sense to compare your productivity with what an absolute beginner at Ext JS (i.e. me) has to struggle with.
The aim of the comparisons, no matter how far short I fell, was to present these libs from the point of view of a noobie.
But, as I said, YMMV.