WTF: $Test::Builder::Level is invalid
Someone started using Test::Pretty and now I can't run tests. I get:
GraphViz2::Marpa: Start ... # $Test::Builder::Level is invalid. Testing library you are using is broken. : 2 at /home/ron/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.18.2/lib/site_perl/5.18.2/Test/ line 134.
Googling didn't help.
I've run cpanm on a range of modules:
o Test::Pretty
o Test::More
o Test::Version
o Test::Exception
o TryCatch
Any ideas?
You already tried hard to locate or isolate the problem?
What exactly are you doing?
Test::Pretty also exists as App::Prove::Plugin, thus can come via prove (.proverc, ENV, -Pretty ...).
Not sure if that applies, but at least it looks suspiciously.
Just saw [2] and [1] (which has to do with $Test::Builder::Level).
[2] says: "CPAN test modules might — in their own tests — be looking for specific output and start breaking. Such tests are inherently fragile, and should be changed to use a TAP parser instead of parsing literal text, but in the meantime, if your favorite test class fails its tests, this Test::More change might be the reason."
It's Test::Pretty with Test::Version in combination which is broken.
This is reproducable.
Who is the someone using Test::Pretty? Ron, how are you starting your tests?
$many x $thanx for the replies.
For each of my 8 modules which use Marpa::R2, I do:
local $CWD = $dir_name;
($stdout, $stderr) = capture{system 'prove', 't'};
Then I parse the output with:
if ($line =~ /^Files=.+Tests=(\d+),/)
Looking for a line like:
Files=3, Tests=88, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 2.15 cusr 0.04 csys = 2.25 CPU)
And no, this is not the problem :-).
The first module, Graph::Easy::Marpa, works. It does not use Test::Version. All its tests use Test::More.
The second module, GraphVaz2::Marpa, fails. It uses Test::Version. All its tests use Test::More, except of course t/version.t, which uses Test::More and Test::Version.
Googling suggested Test::Pretty was involved. As I say, I don't use it (knowingly).
Time passes....
I've eliminated t/version.t and Test::Version from the 2 (out of the 8) modules which used it.
I'm re-running the bulk test code now.
Waiting, waiting.....
Marpa::R2 V 2.085008
Counts: Tests: 14. Modules: 8. Passes: 8. Fails: 0
Duration: 1 minute and 37 seconds
(The note 'Tests: 14' completely mis-represents the total # of tests run. That's the number of t/*.t files all up. There are actually hundreds of tests).
Helmut Wollmersdorfer: Congratulations. I'm deeply grateful for your advice.
Please take the rest of the day off - and tell your boss I said it was OK!
For each of my 8 modules which use Marpa::R2, I do:
local $CWD = $dir_name;
($stdout, $stderr) = capture{system 'prove', 't'};
Then I parse the output with:
if ($line =~ /^Files=.+Tests=(\d+),/)
Looking for a line like:
Files=3, Tests=88, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 2.15 cusr 0.04 csys = 2.25 CPU)
Please for the love of all kittens, use Test::Harness to run your tests and
then ask it for the result, rather than manually parsing the text output.