App::Office::CMS - Close to release

Over the last couple of months, a startling array of events have transpired, and hence conspired to delay progress, but finally I have App::Office::CMS working at home.

I’ll shortly release a dev version (V < 1.00), so you can check the installation instructions, if you wish, and the docs.

I just have to finish off the POD, which is mostly written.

The dev versions will start by using textareas for input, not TinyMCE, the editor I’ll activate for V 1.00. After all, these versions are just for playing with.

Also, I have not yet integrated revision history, so there is no roll-back capability. I’m looking at Git::Repository for that. Only 1 copy of the data is stored, in a database via DBI.

Still, it allows you to create a tree of linked pages, with content for each, and to generate a set of HTML files of this content, each (generated) page having a tree-based menu giving access to the other pages. Sample templates for a homepage and a generic page are included.

The code supports multiple sites, with each site having multiple designs, and each design being a web site.

Buttons allow quick duplication of sites, and designs within a site.

It’s based on CGI::Application, and uses Any::Moose, so you can use Mouse rather than Moose.

It’s 5,500 lines of code. I test run it under Plack/Starman.