YAML patches done
I've finished most of the needed YAML work, esp. for YAML::XS.
libyaml upstream has now a patch with the new options NonStrict and IndentlessMap https://github.com/yaml/libyaml/pull/8
YAML::XS in https://github.com/ingydotnet/yaml-libyaml-pm/pull/43
YAML::XS writes now proper YAML which can be read with YAML.pm, and passes the CPAN::Meta validation tests. See https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/CPAN-Meta/pull/107
For CPAN::Meta I've added validation tests for all existing YAML loaders, so you can see what's going on, and which version is conforming or fails. YAML::XS, YAML::Tiny, CPAN::Meta::YAML, YAML::Syck do pass now, YAML fails.
I have also patches for Parse::CPAN::META and CPAN-Meta-YAML to use the new versions, but only in cperl, no PR yet.
I've also started merging libsyck from upstream into YAML::Syck, which came up with some horrible private extensions, and made them mergable to upstream. But this work is still ongoing at https://github.com/rurban/syck/commits/0.71 and https://github.com/rurban/YAML-Syck/commits/merge-upstream.
TODO (optional)
- YAML.pm would need a patch to read old YAML::XS with $IndentlessMap=1.
- YAML::Syck
- syck