Perl 5 Porters Mailing List Summary: July 3rd-9th

Hey everyone,

Following is the p5p (Perl 5 Porters) mailing list summary for the past week.


July 3rd-9th


Grant Reports


New Issues

Resolved Issues


Tony Cook provided a patch for Perl #124368: Perl_sv_2pv_flags: Assertion failure.

James Keenan provided a patch to resolve Perl #131652: map returns array instead of list.

David Hand provided a patch in Perl #131723 to support spaces in the builddir path.

Sawyer X provided a patch that rewrites the existing script to generate a checklist from the release managers guide in Perl #131698. Aaron Crane provided additional improvements.


Vickenty Fesunov asked (Try::Tiny::XS) for a review of his implementation of Try::Tiny in XS.

David Mertens mentioned eval_pv would be useful if it evaluated code under the package in which the keyword is actively parsing. Response from Father Chrysostomos how it works during compile-time and how to control the package under which the code is evaluated.

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About Sawyer X

user-pic Gots to do the bloggingz